Our team of professionals, have extensive experience, recognitions and certifications from different Deparments and in areas such as:
- Government Management
- Laws and Regulations
- Project management
- Critical Infrastructure Security
- Security of Embassies and Government Buildings
- Risk Analysis and Management
- Airport Security
- Anti-Kidnapping Tasks
- Reaction Teams
- Border Management
- Office of Drug Control
- Emergency Medical Services
- Close Combat
- Explosives Management
- Light and Heavy Weapon Use Instruction
- Experience in Combat in Iraq and Afghanistan
- TCCC Medical Training

Thomas Locke
Mr. Locke has decades of experience in the Security Industry from a long and distinguished career in the FBI for more than 32 years. Since earning an early career in the FBI he has served as Supervisor of the Antiterrorism Force in the City from New York. He also conducted the first extra-territorial terror investigation in the 1983 Investigation of Attacks on the US Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon For many years he was assigned to the DEA to participate in several operations as “OPERATION BLAST FURNACE” and was part of the efforts of the US Army DEA and the Government of Bolivia to eradicate Cocaine Laboratories in the Amazon Jungle. He has participated during his long career in innumerable operations against Terrorism, Kidnapping, Human Trafficking, Narcotrafico and others in the United States as well as in Latin America, Europe, Asia and Africa. After the events of September 11, 2001, he was in charge of the International Investigations of the events that occurred on that day. Mr. Locke was in his last years in the FBI like Assistant to the Director of the Buerau.
Mr. Locke works on one of the most prestigious Lobby Firms in the World www.bgrdc.com.

J J Nuñez
CEO / Founder
With almost 30 years of experience as a lawyer and with specialization in government management, he has extensive knowledge in the governmental, business, commercial and corporate areas in legal, financial and in the management of companies and projects.
During the last years, he managed the offices of Command Consulting Group Miami; located in the city Miami in the state of Florida, USA. Developing the Business of the Advisory and Consultancy in Security to Governments, Companies and Personalities of public exhibition and high patrimony, in countries like: USA, Mexico, Honduras, Jamaica, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Panama, Aruba, etc.
As founder and principal partner of the CCG Miami office, he developed and promoted the company; subscribing various strategic alliances and Representation Contracts, with Companies and Individuals both in the United States and in various Latin American countries. He developed relationships with various public, political and private organizations, both in the Florida area and in Washington DC; developing an interesting network of businesses and allies in the United States as well as in Latin America.
Possesses capacities of search and development of Projects; capacity of management and management of companies; ability to search, develop and complete projects in the area of Government and Business; ability to relate diverse working groups to the achievement of a common good; notorious personnel management skills; capacity of organization and planning of companies.

Larry Johnson
Associate Consultant
During his distinguished career in the US Secret Service, he led the area of criminal investigations, research involving shared services, critical infrastructure protection, identity theft, credit card fraud, computer fraud, cyber crime / crime of electronic intrusion, and cybercrime. Mr. Johnson was an Assistant Special Agent in charge of Presidential Protection during 9/11 and also was with Presidents Clinton and Bush, as well as Special Agent in charge of Protective Operations, the Minneapolis Field Office and Internal Affairs of USSS.
Other highlights in the Secret Service include:
Developed the DHS Protection Program (PSA) Protection Program, Developed the DHS / USSS Critical Systems Protection Initiative Program (CSPI); He played a key role in the largest Federal International cyber criminal investigation in the history of US law enforcement. (Firewall Operation). It began the investigation that led to the largest investigation of identity theft / arrest warrants in US history. and gave testimony before Congress to House / Senate committees and subcommittees on USSS research issues. (Government Reform, Banking, Commerce, Finance and Judicial) Former Senate Judiciary Adviser on Identity Theft pending / Data Broker legislation sponsored by Senator Leahy and Specter. He was the former supervisor of USSS Division of Presidential Protection (PPD) in charge of the security issues (logic and physical) that suppose the President of the United States both internal and external. additional oversight of all PPD agent training and White House security. He currently holds a Top Secret Clearance.

Earl Morris
Associate Consultant
Mr. Morris served as Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and General Manager of the Office of Security Operations in Washington D.C. The position involved the executive direction of five Area Directors, 128 Federal Security Directors, as well as the daily field operations of a force of 45,000 agents at 448 airports nationwide.
Its responsibilities included the supervision of background investigation operations, as well as budgetary and financial oversight, program planning, operational security of all means of transport, and the development of strategic plans for the operational function of the TSA.
Closely committed to international security, it conducted safety assessments at numerous airports in other countries. He advised foreign governments at the highest level on security matters and collaborated in the creation of agreements with the European Union. In addition, he oversaw the International Inspection Program of Federal Governments, responsible for enforcing all regulations governing foreign air transport companies.
He previously served as the Director of Federal Security for the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and TSA. He was responsible for all aspects of security at Salt Lake International Airport as well as at Utah’s five other commercial airports. In addition, he was in charge of regulatory oversight of the 48 General Aviation Airports in Utah, public transportation, railroads and pipelines in Utah.
He also served as director of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Division during the tenure of Governor Michael Leavitt and a member of the Utah Olympic Games Public Security Command for the 2002 Winter Olympics, where he oversaw state security, the different sports facilities where the competition took place and the Olympic Village. In addition, he interacted with different foreign governments regarding security issues for foreign athletes and coordinated the safety of sports facilities with police forces and foreign security forces.
He traveled to several countries and worked closely with foreign governments in preparation for the Olympic Games, where he developed many security tactics that were later used in the 2002 Olympic Games.